Lorem Ipsum

"Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit..."

"Enginn elskar sjálfan sársaukann, sækist eftir honum og vill finna hann, einfaldlega vegna þess að hann er sársauki..."

Interactive Advertising Bureau - Ad Unit Guidelines

Download all of the banners: banners.zip or banners.tar.gz

970 x 90 - Super Leaderboard

728 x 90 - Leaderboard

468 x 60 - Full Banner

234 x 60 - Half Banner

88 x 31 - Micro Bar

120 x 90 - Button 1

120 x 60 - Button 2

120 x 240 - Vertical Banner

125 x 125 - Square Button

160 x 600 - Wide Skyscraper

120 x 600 - Skyscraper

300 x 250 - Medium Rectangle

250 x 250 - Square Pop-Up

240 x 400 - Vertical Rectangle

336 x 280 - Large Rectangle

180 x 150 - Rectangle

Download all of the banners: banners.zip or banners.tar.gz

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